DeepKarst 2016: Origins,
Resources, and Management of Hypogene Karst!

Dear Friends,
Are you interested in deep
groundwater flow in karst? How it affects cave and aquifer development?
Mineral deposition? Distribution of cave species? Land management?
If so, mark 11-14 April 2016 on
your calendars and come to Carlsbad, New Mexico, USA, for DeepKarst
2016: Origins, Resources, and Management of Hypogene Karst!
This conference will focus on
hypogenic karst and all that entails. Hypogenic karst is formed by
rising groundwater and is a growing field of interest with much to learn
and refine. It is being organized by the National Cave and Karst
Research Institute of the USA in cooperation with Karst Hydrogeology and
Speleogenesis Commission of the International Union of Speleology.
For more details, visit and mark it on your website. In the coming months look
for details on trips, submitting papers, registration, and more. If you
received this message via a list server and want to be on the direct
mailing list for more information, please contact me via my address
Please distribute this message to
anyone who might be interested!
Thank you,
George Veni, Ph.D.
Executive Director
National Cave and Karst Research
Poziv za speleoskup BiH 2014
Skup speleologa BiH 2014 će se
održati od 09. do 11. maja 2014. godine u osnovnoj školi Jevrem
Stanković, mjesto Čečava, opština Teslić, u organizaciji Speleološkog
društva Ponir Banja Luka. Pozivamo vas da prisustvujete pomenutom skupu
i da unaprijed prijavite svoj dolazak (broj članova društva koji planira
da dođe).
Kotizacija za skup će iznositi
10KM (majice će se prodavati po cijeni od 10 KM).
Organizator će obezbijediti 3
obroka za učesnike (doručak i ručak u subotu i doručak u nedjelju). Za
sve učesnike će biti obezbjeđen smještaj u fiskulturnoj sali (učesnici
treba da ponesu vreće za spavanje).
Svi učesnici koji planiraju da
imaju prezentaciju, treba da pošalju prijavu rada i rezime, najkasnije
30 dana prije početka skupa(do 09.aprila). Prezentacija treba da traje
najduže 15 minuta.
Na skupu će se birati najbolja
speleofotografija. Svako od učesnika ima pravo da pošalje do 3
fotografije, najkasnije 15 dana prije početka skupa. Organizator će vas
o svim promjenama blagovremeno obavijestiti.
Više informacija možete naći na:
Radove, pitanja, sugestije slati
PUBLISHED: 05.02.2014.
9th EuroSpeleo Forum
Dear Caver Friends, Chers Amis Spéléos, Dragi Speologi
Welcome to the
website of the 9th EuroSpeleo Forum and the celebration of 20 years
since the foundation of the Romanian Federation of Speleology (FRS).
Visit the event’s website
to prepare the most magical speleo holiday in 2014:
Where the
Danube breaks the Carpathian’s wall, at the Northern border of the
Balkans, in one of the largest karst area in Europe
Any advice from cavers and national federations is welcome to improve
the website presentation and bring the speleo event closer to the dream.
On behalf of Romanian cavers, we are looking forward to meet you in
Băile Herculane, Romania in 2014.
Bogdan Bădescu, FRS President
Viorel Lascu, President of the EuroSpeleo Forum 2014 Organizing
PUBLISHED: 19.07.2013.
Čovjek i krš 2013

Centar za krš i
speleologiju Sarajevo vas sa zadovoljstvom poziva da sudjelujete na
međunarodnom znanstveno - stručnom skupu Čovjek i krš, koji će se
održati od 17. – 20. oktobra / listopada 2013. godine u hotelu
Brotnjo, Čitluk, BiH.
Više informacija o hotelu Brotnjo možete naći na na oficijelnoj web
stranici hotela:
prilogu vam dostavljamo Prvi poziv, Prijavni obrazac i Upute autorima za
pisanje sažetka i cjelovitog rada. Popunjen obrazac prijave i sažetak
rada/postera je potrebno dostaviti do 1. 9. 2013. godine na e-mail
Molimo vas proslijedite poziv svim zainteresiranim sudionicima.
sve dodatne informacije, možete nas kontaktirati putem e-mail adrese:
Dobro došli!
Centar za krš i
speleologiju Sarajevo
PUBLISHED: 19.07.2013.
16 ICS_Spelemedia

Dear colleagues, Dear caving
we have published the information in regards to the PhotoSalon, many of
you have shown interest and already submitted your photographs to the
competition. Thank you very much!
I am
very happy to announce that we have also published more detailed
information about SpeleMedia on the 16 ICS Congress website!
SpeleMedia is a traditional and prestigious competition among producers
of moving-image depictions related to caves, cavers, and caving. Entries
will be judged prior to the ICS by an international panel of jurors and
during ICS by people who watch them. Prizes will be awarded to the top
three entries.
Spelemedia is also great global festival because people from all around
the world can meet at the ICS and share their films and slideshows! We
welcome all movie makers and photographers and look forward to your
entries to Spelemedia!
Detailed information can be found here:
Additional details regarding the 3D will follow soon!
Zdenek Motycka
16 ICS Chairman
PUBLISHED: 13.02.2013.
3rd EuroSpeleo Image'In Film Festival Millau 2013

Dear Caving Friends,
Chers Amis Spéléos,
We would like to
remind you that the great gathering of the FSE this year will be in only
4 months on 18-20 May 2013 in Millau-France for the 8th EuroSpeleo Forum
& 50th Anniversary of the FFS, with pre-congress activities on 8-17 May
(see ).
So you have only one month from now to propose your videos and
slideshows to the organisers of the 3rd EuroSpeleo Image'In Film
Festival Millau 2013.
For that you just have to send the following form :
to this email address :
before the 20th of February 2013.
You will find more information on the Millau 2013 pre-circular :
and on the 3rd EuroSpeleo Image'In Film Festival Call :
If you have any other question please let us know at :
Looking forward to see your films and slideshows in Millau 2013 !
Again a year 2013 that will bring you many great explorations
Kind regards,
Olivier Vidal
Secr. General FSE
Michel Luquet
Organiser 3rd EuroSpeleo Image'In Film Festival
8° EuroSpeleo Forum & 50° Anniv. FFS
Yes I go with my club to Millau 2013 !
18-20 May 2013 - Millau - Grands Causses - Midi Pyrénées - France
Oui je vais avec mon club à Millau 2013 !
FSE Official Partner - Cordes - BEAL - Ropes - Partenaire Officiel FSE
************************ ****************************
FSE Official Partner - Equipement - AV - Gear - Partenaire Officiel FSE
********************** ***********************
FSE Official Partner - Lampes - Scurion - Lamps - Partenaire Officiel
PUBLISHED: 20.01.2013.
16th International Congress of Speleology Brno
Czech Republic July 21st to 28th 2013

Statement by the President of
the International Union of Speleology
Reference the 16th International Congress of Speleology Brno Czech
Republic July 21st to 28th 2013
The next (16th) International
Congress of Speleology is now less than a year away. Indeed scientific
papers have to be in by the 17th of December (this is a delay from the
previous deadline of the 1st November). Please look on the website
for further information.
The basic registration for the
whole conference if paid before the end of January 2013 is only a little
over 140 Euros, very good value for a weeklong conference. In addition
pre-booked accommodation starts under 5 Euros per night in a camping,
next to the Australian pub!
The wonderful pre and post
congress excursions are selling out fast so the sooner they are booked
the better. The prices of these starts at 100 Euros for 4 day camp in
Budapest. The quality and variety of excursions is wonderful, again
look on the website.
Booking cheap flights to Brno
needs reviewing, but certainly Ryanair from London Stansted will open
their booking for July early in 2013 and will probably cost something in
the region of 30 Euros return for the first people to book.
The venue is excellent being an
old conference centre built before the second world war and as such
makes it very suitable for a Caving Conference, plenty of room and not
too many frills.
The Hotels and dormitories
around the Conference Centre are of all standards, some being very
comfortable indeed. I am sure there will be some magnificent parties,
both official and unofficial. During the week long congress there will
be a day of excursions, either to some pretty impressive local caves or
visits to cultural and natural world sites they all look very enjoyable
to me.
Finally, don’t forget the
entries for the competitions. Like any caving conference there will be
competitions for cartography, caving art, multi-media presentations and
during the conference there will be caving Olympics with rope climbing
etc. In addition the International Union of Speleology also gives
prizes for the best discovery that they consider has been made since the
previous conference and there will be mention of the best books
published over that period. There will also be a UIS poster prize
presented to the best poster in Brno. There are some substantial prizes
so please get working on your presentations. There should be in the
region of 2,000 likeminded cavers at this conference and I am certain it
is going to be extraordinarily interesting and enjoyable.
I look forward to seeing you all
there in July 2013.
8th EuroSpeleo Forum "Millau 2013" 
Thank you to
broasdcast this message to all cavers around you /
Merci de diffuser cet email à tous les spéléos autour de vous
Dear Caving Friends, Chers Amis Spéléos,
We have the pleasure to send you here attached the pre-circular for
the 8th EuroSpeleo Forum "Millau 2013" in Millau-Midi-Pyrénées-France
that will be held on 17-20 May 2013 with pre-congress activities since
the 8th of May, in the hearth of the Grands Causses karstic natural
park, on the occasion of the 50th anniversay of the FFS. The pre-circular
is also available on :
You can already book these dates in your agenda.
Meanwhile, see you soon at Muotathal-Switzerland end of September,
Best speleological regards,
Jean-Pierre Gruat
Millau 2013 Coordinator
Email :
Olivier Vidal
Secr. General FSE
Come and visit FSE at the 2nd EuroSpeleo Protection Symposium
Circular :
Yes I go with my club to SpeleoDiversity 2012 !
7th EuroSpeleo Forum - 29 Sept - 1 Oct 2012 - Muotathal - CH
Oui je vais avec mon club au rassemblement SpeleoDiversité 2012 !
PUBLISHED: 21.06.2012.
Speleo-TV Contest 
Dear Caving Friends, Chers Amis Spéléos,
It's with a great pleasure that the FSE invites you to participate to
the "Speleo-TV Contest" of the best bilingual presentation trailer.
The objective is to create a dynamic and esthetic presentation video (trailer)
between 30 to 90 seconds presenting Speleo-TV project and values, the
new multilingual web-TV for all European cavers.
So it is a unique opportunity for you to let your imagination create a
short-video that will become the official Speleo-TV trailer !
This contest is sponsored by the Scurion lamps - FSE Official Partner - , that we want here to warmly thank for their support.
If you want to participate to this FSE video contest, please first
create your video(s) and then fill the online form available at the
bottom of the following page :
this before the 31st of July 2012, last chance.
If your video is selected as the new official Speleo-TV trailer by the
FSE you will win the 1st prize (value 700 euros).
You may send one or several video proposals (please register separately
for each video). Every video must comply to the official contest rules
available on :
After having red both of these webpages, should you still have any other
question, please let us know at :
Looking forward to watch your creative Speleo-TV trailer !
And don't forget that even in the deepest cave ... "Art is Emotion" ...
3 ... 2 ... 1 ... Speleo-TV !
Elina Saarinen
Speleo-TV Workgroup Coordinator
Olivier Vidal
Secr. General FSE
PUBLISHED: 22.05.2012.
International Cave-Survey Camp Topo Sorbas 2012

Dear Colleague:
The Euro Forum Speleo "Marbella 2011", organized by our federation, were
very theoretical and very "sporting".
Now we want to invite you to participate in a speleological exploration
and surveying camp in the province of Almeria: "International Cave-Survey
Camp Topo Sorbas 2012"
This is one of the most singular places of Andalusia with a unique caves
and one of the world famous gypsum karst by its singularity.
We want that everything works out the best and it is why we ask you to
confirm us your intention to participate and, if possible, the number of
people interested. At the moment is just an approximation to know what
resources we have to mobilize. I remind you that this is an exploration
and topography camp in gypsum caves.
Awaiting your news.
Best regards
José A. Berrocal Pérez
Federación Andaluza de Espeleología
PS: For more information, visit the website of the club which is
organizing the Camp:
PUBLISHED: 22.05.2012.
40th Edition of the Congress of Speleology

Dear colleagues,
We would be honoured to welcome you as our guests at the 40th Edition of
the Congress of Speleology organized by the Romanian Federation of
Speleology, on 5-9 September 2012 in Rasnov, in the county of Brasov.
Please see attached invitation.
Best regards and see you in Rasnov.
Costache Roman
VP Romanian Federation of Speleology
Head of International Relations Department
We would be honoured to welcome you as our
guests at the 40th edition of the Congress of Speleology organized by
the Romanian Federation of Speleology. The congress will take place on
5-9 September 2012 in Rasnov, in the county of Brasov, Romania. The
county of Brasov is located in the central part of Romania, in the
Carpathians bend and offers speleological, touristic and cultural
attractions such as: Piatra Craiului National Park
(, Bucegi National Park (,
the city Rasnov (, and
Brasov ( The event is organized by the
Avenul Speleology Club under the patronage of the Romanian Federation of
Speleology and with the support of Rasnov Hall.
Updated information about this event can be found on:
Geza Zakariás
Secretary, Avenul Speleology Club
PUBLISHED: 22.05.2012.

Drage kolege i prijatelji,
Zadovoljstvo nam je pozvati vas da sudjelujete na Susretu speleologa i
istraživača krša Bosne i Hercegovine, koji će se održati od 4. do 6.
maja/svibnja 2012. godine u mjestu Veliko Čajno (Visoko), u organizaciji
Centra za krš i speleologiju Sarajevo i Udruženja Eko Viking Visoko.
Detaljnije informacije možete naći u
pozivu koji dostavljamo u prilogu. Za sve ostale potrebne
informacije možete nas kontaktirati na
Molimo vas da poziv proslijedite svim
zainteresiranim sudionicima. Dobrodošli!
Jasminko Mulaomerović
Centar za krš i speleologiju Sarajevo i Udruženje Eko Viking Visoko
20th International Karstological
School, Postojna, June 18th-23rd, 2012.

Dear Colleagues,
In the attachment please find a First
Circular on the 20th International Karstological School, Postojna, June
18th-23rd, 2012.
We are looking forward to see you in Postojna,
Andrej Mihevc & Franci Gabrovšek in the name of the Organising committee
13th Swiss National Congress of Speleology - EuroSpeleo Forum 2012

We are
happy to kindly invite you to participate to the great European
speleological 2012 gathering that will be the 13th Swiss National
Congress of Speleology - EuroSpeleo Forum 2012, from September 29 till
October 1st, 2012, in Muotathal - Switzerland, in a karstic massif at
60km south of Zurich beside Hölloch cave, greatest Swiss cave. There,
will also be held the 2nd edition of the EuroSpeleo Protection Symposium,
which first edition was at Vercors 2008.
This congress follows the motto “Speleodiversity” because there is
neither “a speleology” nor "a caver” but a diversity of specialised
areas and interests within caving and cave research. We’ll represent all
fields of speleology and it will be a platform for mutual exchange
between cavers from all over Europe and beyond.
Interesting sessions about scientific and exploration speleology in
Switzerland and all over Europe, caving techniques and IT technology in
caving, a 3D-Photoshow and, of course, great caving trips and much more
than you may expect. You surely shouldn't miss that !
The 2nd
circular of the event is available in 3 languages : *English :
register asap at and take advantage of the early-booker fee
until January 31st 2012.
On the website you'll find all the usefull information you need to
prepare your participation to the 7th EuroSpeleo Forum "SpeleoDiversity
See you in Muotathal - Switzerland !
A Merry Christmas to you all,and safe caving in 2012.
5th International Workshop on Ice Caves

Barzio and Milano, Italy, September 16-23, 2012
IWIC is a series of workshops devoted entirely to ice cave research.
After meetings in Romania, Slovak Republic, Russia, and Austria, Italy
now hosts this unique workshop. We offer a place to examine the state-of-the-art,
discuss ongoing research efforts, and boost international cooperation.
We will explore interest for future research projects and define a
general strategy for ice cave studies and management.
IWIC-V is an ideal opportunity to widen communication among interested
researchers and highlight important research results. IWIC-V is
organized under the auspices of the Glacier, Firn, and Ice Caves
Commission of the International Union of Speleology, and the Italian
Glaciological Committee.
Contributions related to any aspect of ice cave research are welcome,
- Ice cave climatology and the relationship between hypogean and epigean
- Morphology and mass balance of cave ice deposits
- Stratigraphy and internal structure of cave ice deposits
- Ice sampling methods
- Cave ice crystal fabric
- Chemical and isotopic studies of cave ice and its fluid inclusions
- Applications of radiometric methods
- Palynology, dendrochronology and other biology-related studies applied
to ice cave research
For more details please, visit
Škocjanske jame 2012.

Karst Research Institute ZRC SAZU, Park
Škocjanske jame, Grotta Gigante S.A.G./Velika jama v Briščikih and
Università degli studi di Trieste
invite you to participate in the
From 13th to 15th September 2012
Organized by
Karst Research Institute ZRC SAZU
Park Škocjanske jame, Slovenija
Grotta Gigante S.A.G./Velika jama v Briščikih
Universita degli studi di Trieste, Dipartimento di geoscienze
All the information is available at
Inštitut za raziskovanje krasa ZRC SAZU
Titov trg 2
6230 Postojna
tel.: (+386) 5 700 19 00
fax: (+386) 5 700 19 99
Park Škocjanske jame
Škocjan 2
SI - 6210 Divača
All lectures and the meeting point for fieldwork, as well as excursions,
will be at Park Škocjanske jame. Detailed information about the meeting
and accommodations will be provided in the second circular.
Topics and goals
The Congress will focus on scientific research in show caves. Show caves
are a special underground environment with the natural processes
characteristic of caves, but with additional human impacts that provide
significant common problems and research opportunities. Usually, their
infrastructure offers scientists better conditions for research because
the many pathways as well as electrical and optical illumination enable
easier access and charging of scientific instruments.
Show caves are convenient for studying both natural processes and the
human impact. The direct human impact is considerably higher in show
caves with several hundred thousand visitors per year or in small
passages open to the public. What is the human impact, how is it
measured, what approaches are available to minimise it – these are just
a few questions to be considered. Human impact on cave biodiversity and
its consequences for the cave environment, including lampenflora, will
also be discussed. The goals of the meeting are to present and share
different research approaches in show caves and to discuss the results
and measures needed to improve the management of show caves.
We invite show cave managers, scientists who are involved in research in
show caves and other interested experts to participate.
International Speleological SRT Championship - 2012 - Russian Federation

We invite you to participate in International
Speleological SRT Championship. It will be going 2012 September, 13-17
in Hadjohskaya pass (near Maykop, Republic of Adygei, Russian Federation)
as a part of Sporting Tourism Festival and Speleological SRT
Championship of Russia. Aim of competition is contacts between
speleologists from different countries (there will be viewing of films
concerning speleology), skill sharing in various SRT-techniques, testing
of the most competent and quick speleologists. There will be interesting
distances as for individuals as for teams of two and four sportsmen.
Those distances will simulate operation into the cave.
The place of competition is well-known for its nature and developed
tourism facilities. You can easily come their by car or mass
transportation. You may live in tents or at tourist bases and hotels.
You can also visit nature reserve Lago-Naki, which is well-known in
Russia for its beauty, and local caves, make rafting on river Belaya,
watch competition of Russian mountaineering, boating, backpacking
tourists and travelling cyclists.
International Speleological SRT Championship is organized by
Moscow Sporting Tourism Federation
Moscow Speleological Committee
Republic of Adygei Sporting Tourism Federation
With the support of Republic of Adygei Administration.
Project coordinator Natalya Sizikova (Moscow)
Phone number 89264306465 E-mail:
All the information concerning the competitions as well as photos and
videos of previous Championships will be available on
Speleobats 2012 international conference

20-23. September 2012.
Miskolc – Bükk Mountains
The confrencia will pay special attention to the legislative and
practical conservation of the bats and their cave habitat, to the
effects of cave tourism on bats, and to researches on the WNS and other
bat deseases: but any paper releated to cave-roosting bats are wellcomed.
Besides the scientific presentations exhibitions and sale of stamps,
postcards, gifts, badges, and constructions of fine arts displaying bats,
as well as of publications and leaflets conserning bats are planned.
The programme of the conference includes a field-trip to the Bükk
Mountains, where cave habitats closing methods with special respect to
bats and mist-netting will be presented.
Detailed information will be available in the First Circular, as well as
on the website: and at e-mail: in
February 2012.
For a smooth organization participants are kindly requested to send back
their preliminary registration form until 2012 January 20 to any of the
following addresses:
Magyar Karszt- és Barlangkutató Társulat
1025 Budapest, Pusztaszeri út 35.
2012 - The year of the fist European cave animal

Dear friends,
2012 will be the year of the fist European cave animal.
The European Society of Archnology elected the cave spider Meta Menardi
to the next European Spider of the Year. Meta Menardi was suggested by
the German Speleological Federation VdHK.
Since 2009 VdHK promotes the German cave animal of the year with great
success and recommends publicity to protect subterranean biodiversity
with this very easy tool. All we do is a homepage (
with download material as flyer, poster and press release. VdHK offers
posters and flyers to members and showcaves.
Print media follow the idea "nature of the year" and pick information
from the internet. Today you can find the German cave animal of the year
not only in newspapers and magazines but also in school material and
It would be great if other speleo federations join this project, it is
less work and good outcome.
VdHK will be pleased to assist (you could use our texts, layout etc.)
The European Society of Archnology present Meta Menardi in several
You may contact the national arachnology organisation in your country
If you have further questions, please do not hesitate to get in touch,
hope to hear from you soon
with German underground regards
happy holiday and a good speleo 2012
Baerbel Vogel
German Speleological Federation
Verband der deutschen Höhlen- und Karstforscher e.V. VdHK

Speleo Projects information
Dear Caving Friends,
Speleo Projects thanks all of its customers and partners for a wonderful
year! We look forward to serving you in 2012!
Please visit the Speleo Projects online website:
to see all the new items we have for you:
• Caving Calendar 2012
• 2012 Calendario - Gruppo Milano
• La France souterraine
• Die Segeberger Höhle, 2011
• Grandes cavités méditerranéennes – Languedoc et Rouergue
• Die Fledermaus (Kinderbuch, 2011)
• Kobold Mausohr / Kobold Mouse-Ear (DE/ENG bilingual children's book,
• Fledermäuse (Richarz, 2011)
• Caves of Easter Island (Bilingual: English/ español)
• Welche Fledermaus ist das? (Naturführer, 2011)
• New Berlin Expedition Reports on Laos, Myanmar, Southeast Asia,
Meghalaya India and South Vietnam (2011)
• La Sima de la Higuera + 3D (ENG/ ES bilingual)
• Let's Look at Caves (Torchlight children's book)
• Yanhe 2008, China Caves Project expedition report
• Buco Cattivo, 2011 (italiano)
• The Subterranean environment / L'ambiente sotterraneo (Bilingual ENG/
Special reduced price..
• Inside Mother Earth (FR, DE, ENG) CHF 29; EUR 21
Happy holidays!
Sue and Urs Widmer
A Karst Waters Institute Symposium on Carbon in Karst and Boundaries
in Karst

January 7 to 11, 2013, Carlsbad, New Mexico
There is growing interest in the dynamics of
both inorganic and organic carbon in karst systems, and especially in
the flux of carbon and nutrients between surface and subsurface and
between different components in the subsurface of karst. This symposiuim
will highlight recent advances in biology, geology, and hydrology that
are helping us understand the dynamics of karst ecosystems, especially
with respect to carbon. There will be both invited lectures and
contributed posters covering the following topics:
• Fluxes and reservoirs in and through epikarst
• Fluxes and reservoirs in and through the phreatic zone
• Lateral inputs into karst—insurgences
• Lateral outputs in karst—resurgences
• CO2 storage in karst
• Organic carbon sources and carbon quality in karst
• Large scale models and synthesis
The meeting will be held at the headquarters of the newly constructed
National Cave and Karst Research Institute (NCKRI). In addition to the
invited talks, there will be two evening poster sessions and a day-long
field trip to Carlsbad Caverns National Park, including a visit to the
cave. The meeting site is close not only to Carlsbad Caverns National
Park but also Guadalupe Mountains National Park, and makes an ideal
starting place for a visit to the many parks and features of the desert
southwest. Selected papers from the symposium will be published in the
interdisciplinary karst journal, Acta Carsologica. The first circular
will be distributed in September, 2011. For more information, contact
Daniel Fong (program chair, or David Culver (meeting
EuroSpeleo Forum 2011

Dear Friends, Chers Amis,
The great gathering 2011 of all European cavers will be on 23-25 of
September in Marbella-Spain near Malaga. We send you the Google Earth
link here attached and we invite you to discover the information
circular of the event available on the 4-languages-website of the
EuroSpeleo Forum 2011 :
If you want to present there a lecture/conference,
a poster, a video, etc, it is the moment to do it now :
For that everything is explained on :
on the "Dossier" page and on the "Registration"
The practical information for lodging and to get there by train, bus,
car and plane through Malaga are inside the circular.
Should you have any further you can write to
So See you Soon at Marbella 2011 for this great moment !
Hasta Luego en Marbella 2011 !
Olivier Vidal - Secr. General FSE
Email :

Speleokamp će se održati u periodu, 17.06- 26.06 .2011. godine, na
području Parka prirode Tajan, lokalitet Duboka Tajašnica, općina
Zavidovići – Bosna i Hercegovina.
Speleokamp se održava u sklopu projekta „TAJAN- Tourism, Asdventure, Joj
Attractions, Nature“ .
Projekat provodi Turistička zajednica ZDK sa partnerima : Općina
Zavidovići, ŠPD ZDK i SNIK Atom -Zavidovići.
Ukupna vrijednost projekta je 468, 000 EUR, od čega Evropska unija
finansira projekat u iznosu od 350,000 EUR putem Instrumenta
pretpristupne pomoći (IPA).
Za sve istraživače je obezbjedjen šatorski smještaj, ishrana, karbit i
lokalni transport.
Na prostoru Tajana je do sada registrovano 80 speleoloških objekata.
Nisu završena istraživanja svih objekata. Najduži i najdublji od njih je
sistem «Ponor kod brvnare – jama Atom» ( duzine 2000m i dubine 220m)
čije istraživanje nije završeno. Očekuje se i pronalazak novih
speleoloških objekata.
Za više informacija, molimo kontaktirajte:
Admir Bajraktarević -Ado
+387 61 985 333 ili putem e-maila
7th Symposia on Karst Protection
Following the tradition started several years
ago, Student Spelologic and Alpinistic Club organizes the 7th Symposium
on Karst Protection. As before, the topics of the Symposium are arranged
not only to deal with karst protection, but also to give karst explorers
a chance to publish the results of their explorations.
The topics are:
1. Protection of protected areas on karst
2. Protection of karst waters and of karst
3. Results of speleological explorations
4. General aspects of karst protection
5. General karst research
As on all our previous meetings, we hope that we
will help to make an advance in understanding the values we must protect
and keep not only for us, but also for generations ahead.
The Nekujbyshevskaya Branch in Krubera Cave has been pushed to -1697 m
In the period of August 5 – September 3, 2009,
the Ukrainian Speleological Association have conducted the next regular
expedition of the project to continue exploration of Krubera (Voronja)
Cave and other caves of the Ortobalagan Valley in the Arabika Massif (Western
The group of 5 cavers led by Yury Kasyan
continued exporing the Nekujbyshevskaya Branch in Krubera, following the
achievements of recent years there. Nekujbyshevskaya is a distinct
branch that diverges from the main one at -250 m and stretches to the
north-west, in the direction opposite to the overall trend of the Main
Branch. Starting from the depth of about -750 m, the Nekujbyshevskaya
Branch turns to south-east and stretches toward the deep section of the
Main Branch.
In 2009, the Ukr.S.A. expedition has reached
depth of -1557 m in the Nekujbyshevskaya part.
After passing a 2-m long sifon that terminated
exploration in 2009, the group has pushed the cave for 140 vertical
meters, to a next
(narrow) sifon. This has increased depth of the
Nekujbyshevskaya Branch to -1697 m. The group has also discovered and
mapped two new passages at the level of about -1300 m, adding almost 300
m to lenght.
The total length of the Krubera Cave became
16,058 km. Depth remains at -2191 m, as established by a 46 m deep dive
in the terminal siphon in the Main Branch performed during the 2007
Ukr.S.A. expedition. Another group, led by Nikolay Solovjev, worked on
resurveying and further exploring of the nearby Arabikskaya System
(-1100 m).
Revised profile and plan of Krubera can be
viewed at:
An updated 3-D outline model of Krubera Cave can
be viewed here:
Alexander Klimchouk
12.12.2010. 15:58
Dragonnaière de Gaud accident
(Ardèche - France)
As you may know, Eric Establie, 46
, who was missing in the sump of the Dragonnaière de Gaud (Ardèche -
France) since the 3rd of October, has been found without life on the
11th of October at 900m from the sump entrance at -70m, after 8 days of
an unprecedented cave rescue that have included cave-diving rescue
experts from numerous European countries. The official reports links of
the SSF (French Cave Rescue - Spéléo-Secours Francais) can be found at
the end of this post.
It's with a great sadness that we reproduce here :
the English translation and the
French original of the message written on the 13th of October by his
son, Arthur, 14, and his wife Evelyne. At the end of the post you will
find the English and the French version of the message written by the
president of the French Federation of Speleology (FFS).
An homage will be paid to Eric at
the end of the month in Casola during the IInd EuroSpeleo Image'In
Condoleances messages can be written on the FSE commemoration page :
They will be transmitted to the family. On this page you find
For information, Arthur has also opened an official page on :
On behalf of the FSE Bureau and the FSE members, we send
our deepest sympathy to Evelyne, Arthur and their relatives, and our heartfelt
thanks to all the European cavers that have helped on the field and from
For the Bureau FSE, Olivier Vidal -
Secr. General FSE
White Nose Syndrome fungus (WNS) - Europe

Dear caving friends,
As you might know the presence of the White Nose Syndrome fungus (WNS),
that have already killed more than one million bats in the
(cf. ),
has been detected in Europe (Perigueux,
All the details about this presence has been stated in the article of Dr
Sebastien Puechmaille:
For the moment no fact has established that European bats would risk the
same situation as in the
- the research is still going on - , but of course the principle of
prevention has to apply.
Face to this situation, the FSE created the European Workgroup on WNS.
Because no information and recommendation concerning the WNS in
Europe were spread among the European cavers, the FSE WNS
workgroup created a fact sheet on WNS (enclosed to this e-mail). This
document should be broadcasted in every European country, in order to
avoid the spread of WNS in Europe and also to gather more information on
this syndrome in Europe.
If you have information about WNS in your country or in other areas, or
if you have any remarks, please send an email to:
On behalf of the FSE European Workgroup on WNS,
Ioana Meleg,
ECPC President
Petition to StopTrade, Import and Export of Cave Contents 
Regarding Article 3(b) and (l) of the Treaty
establishing the European Community and the UNESCO Convention (concerning
the Protection of the World Cultural and Natural Heritage), we, the
signatory organisations, petition to stop the trade, the import and the
export of cave contents.
Analogous to the Convention on International Trade of Endangered Species
of Wild Fauna and Flora, there is an urgent need for a convention on the
nonliving hertiage of the world. This includes among others cave
Caves and karst areas are transbounday regions, but the legal framework
dealing with caves and cave protection varies greatly within the EU
memberstates. The EU Habitats Directive only mentions bats but no other
cave fauna. The EU Groundwater Directive does not take karst phenomena
like high flow rates and low filtration capacity into account. With the
ongoing climatic change and the expected water shortage the importance
of karst aquifers will increase even more. Up to now there still is a
profound lack of knowledge, concern and protection for caves and karst
in the European Community.
Caves are one of the most fragile ecosystems in the world. They are also
archives - archives of evolution, culture, climate and geological
history. To be meaningful, the protection of caves has to include the
protection of cave contents - otherwise it would only be the protection
of the cover of a book without its pages.
Cave contents include speleothems, fossils and archeological findings.
Speleothems are defined as any natural mineral formation or deposit
occurring in a cave or lava tube, including but not limited to
stalactites, stalagmites, helictites, cave flowers, flowstones,
concretions, draperies, rimstones or formations of clay or mud.
Caves from which stalactites, stalagmites or other speleothems have been
removed lose their glamour and beauty. Besides this loss of aesthetic
and emotional value, invaluable scientic informations which are
contained in these, like palaeoclimatic data, are lost as well. The
trade in these unique formations fosters the destruction of the beauty
and the scientific context of caves.
Fossils and subfossils are often found in caves and their uncontrolled
removal is not only a loss for scientific research but can also lead to
significant damages of the cave and its contents.
Generally, all member states have laws dealing with archeological
discoveries. However, archeological sites inside caves are usually not
easily visible. Experts are needed to detect and evaluate sites prior to
their uncovering. Even minimal changes in sensitive sections of a cave
can lead to the total destruction of a unique archeological site.
Scientific investigations of speleothems, fossils
or other cave contents must always be reduced to a minimum, to avoid an
excessive depletion of the cave’s natural features. Decisions require
careful considerations by specialist researchers and advise from
experienced cave and karst experts. If research on a speleothem or
fossil will likely result in the destruction of a sampling site, the
choice should be to abstain from the study.
Petition to StopTrade, Import and Export of Cave Contents
To ensure the protection of cave contents, the
following demands have to be implemented:
a) No speleothems or fragments of these (even if
already broken), fossils or archaeological
findings should be extracted from caves, except for cases mentioned
under c).
b) A stop of trade, import and export of cave contents has to be
c) Scientific sampling has to be restricted in quantity and damages to
the absulte necessary minimum. Scientific benefits have to be maximized
through consultation with cave experts.
Fédération Spéléologique Européenne
Speleological Federation
Casola 2010 - news

The biggest speleological event of the early 2010'
decade will start in 40 days and it's now that you need to organise with
your club to go there and participate to this big European gathering
where Speleology and Underground Video will be commemorated !!!
When and Where is it ?
Casola Valsenio is a 3000 inhabitants village in the heart of the
Italian Apennines at 60km south of Bologna and 90km north of Florence.
It's very easy to get there by car, train, plane, bus, etc. You'll find
a map of it and the bus stations on :
and it is from the 29th of October to the 1st of
November 2010, in 40 days from now ...
Where can we sleep there ?
In Casola you'll find campings, B&B (Agroturismo), hotels, etc. It's
better to book it asap so that you can get the type of lodging you want.
All the details are on :
For the food, you'll have the famous SpeleoBar and
the fantastic Italian food in the numerous stands.
What is the program of the 2nd EuroSpeleo Image'In ?
There you will find everything you have ever dreamed of for a Speleo
gathering ... and much more ...
Films, Videos, Photos, Equipped Caves, Exhibitions, Conferences, Round-tables,
Meetings, Workshops,etc
All the details are on :
With more than 3000 cavers coming from all over Europe, Casola is THE
Speleo experience that can not be missed in your Caver life.
It's in Europe, at few hours trip from your club, and there you will
find the legendary SpeleoBar and Italian Way of Speleo Life ...
See you very soon in Casola !
Organisation Team
2nd EuroSpeleoImage'In "Casola2010"
Email :
29 Oct - 1 Nov 2010 - Casola Valsenio - Italy
Fédération Spéléologique Européenne
European Speleological Federation
+33 6 81 61 16 70
Email :
Web :
Forums :
Krubera-Voronya expedition 2010
Dear friends,
The last expedition members successfully returned back from expedition a
couple days ago. The expedition is over.
I would like to say that taking into account all the challenges we had,
we reached the most valuable results of expedition: we collected very
interesting water level data and reprogrammed datalogers or future 4
years, finished exploration of Spanish branch, collected interesting
samples of insects. Moreover most of participants (13 participants)
reached their own depth aims.
We are very proud that expedition member Saule Pankiene became the first
lady in the World that reached the Two Captains sump -2140m.
Unfortunately we haven't succeed to reach some main tasks of expedition.
The diving in the Two Captains sump was unsuccessful because of lack of
time, relevent human resources and technical problems with diving
equipment. The plans to dive and explore bottom part of the cave is
postponed for the future.
Also we would like to mention that we have succeeded to take most of the
expedition gear including all expedition garbage from Voronya this year.
A big thanks to Sokolniki-RUDN team, that helped us to take the bags out.
There was left some diving bottles in the cave that we will plan to use
and take next year.
We got very interesting data from Two Captains - the water level in June
is rising up to 230 meters in the bottom. Even in winter - on January,
water is rising up to 50 meters. It is more dangerous to work in this
zone as we expected. The lowest part of water level is in August and
September... Now we are going to make analysis of the data and will
provide the report about gotten results.
At the moment we are also going to collect photos and other material and
will provide to you for your own PR purposes very soon.
Best regards,
Aidas Gudaitis
expedition leader.
13.09.2010. 16:54
Srečanje slovenskih jamarjev Velenje - Huda luknja 3.-5.9.2010

Jamarstvo v koroško-šaleški regiji ima dolgo tradicijo. Tam se nahaja
"podzemni biser osamelega krasa" Huda luknja, ki velja za eno
najstarejših turistično opremljenih jam v Sloveniji. Za obiskovalce je
bila odprta že leta 1895 raziskovalce pa privablja še dan danes. Leta
1935 je bil v takratni Dravski banovini ustanovljen jamarski klub "Speleus"katerega
naslednik je današnji Koroško-šaleški
jamarski klub Speleos-Siga.
Vse jamarje vabijo, da se jim pridružite na tri dnevnem srečanju, ki bo
potekalo pri jamarskem domu, v Hudi luknji in v okolici jame Huda luknja
od petka 3.9. do nedelje 5.9.2010. Na srečanju se bojo zvrstila
predavanja z jamarsko tematiko ter jamarske ekskurzije v Hudo luknjo in
druge okoliške jame. Poskrbljeno bo za različne družabne igre ter
tekmovanje v žimarjenju. Vsemu skupaj bo sledila proslava ob obletnici
kluba ter zabava na prostem. Vikend pa bo namenjen tudi izpitom za
jamarske pripravnike in jamarje.
► Pozivnica
02.09.2010. 11:44
4th International Workshop on Ice Caves

Obertraun, Austria, June 5 - 11th, 2010
IWIC is a workshop entirely devoted to ice cave
research. We wish to offer a place to point out the state of art, to
discuss ongoing research efforts and to foster international cooperation.
We welcome contributions related to any aspect of ice cave research, and
Ice cave climatology and the relations between hypogean and epigean
Morphology and mass balances of cave ice deposits
Stratigraphy and internal structure of hypogean ice deposits
Ice sampling methods
Cave ice crystal fabric
Chemical and isotopical studies on cave ice and its fluid inclusions
Applications of radiometric dating methods
Palynology, dendrochronology and other biology-related studies applied
to ice cave research.
PUBLISHED:14.05.2010. 11:53
Casola 2010 - Incontro internazionale di speleologia

The Casola 2010 international caver meeting will be a
really big event, with a lot of cavers coming from Italy, Europe and
allover the world. The meeting will take place from 29-10 till November
the first 2010.
In 2006 over 3000 cavers reached Casola Valsenio for sharing experiences
and ideas, for showing reportages, exhibit technical equipments and
living a friendly time. The “focus” of 2010 meeting concerns the new
ways for communicating caves and caving to “not caving people”.
There will be an important Euro contest about “short videos 30”-180”,
ideal audiovisual clips for social networks (You Tube and so…). Casola
Valsenio is in the Province of Ravenna, in the North of Italy. It’s a
nice village, near very particular gypsum hills in the “Parco Regionale
della Vena del Gesso Romagnola”. There will be interesting guided tours
in the caves and all around the karst area. You can easily reach Casola
Valsenio by car from A1 (exit Faenza or Imola, Castebolognese and then
Casola V). Bologna airport is only 50 km far from the meeting. Train (till
Castelbolognese) and bus are available. More informations next on this
site! You can also click “Contatti” & send a mail to Casola Info.
PUBLISHED.04.2010. 18:28
Balkan Cavers Meeting “Jasen

Balkan cavers meeting “Jasen ’2010” was
held near Belitsa village, FYR of Macedonia from 8 to
11 April 2010. It was organized by Macedonian federation of speleology,
speleo club "Ursus speleos» Skopje,
with the support of the Public Enterprise for Management and Protection of the
Multipurpose Area Jasen - area (covering the river Treska and the entire valley
and adjoining). The territory or management covers an area of 32 000 ha
including the Yakupitsa (Vodno) mountain. It is located in the central part of
Macedonia to the west of the town of
Veles and south of
Skopje. The Yakupitsa embrace several
mountain ranges between the rivers
Treska, Vardar
and Babuna. The highest peak is Solunska glava (2540 m.n.v), near which is
located the Solunska
Cave, which is the second deepest in
(- 450 m.). In the area of the second highest peak of
Karadzhitsa (2 473 m) is the
entrance of Slovachka yama cave (- 525 m) which for now is the deepest in the
country. The region is the subject of joint Slovakian-Macedonian expeditions. A
significant part of the mountain is covered by karst. In its scope can be found
among dozens of caves. Here is the longest cave in Macedonia - Slatinski izvor
(4 km long) close to Slatino village; the cave with the largest entrance in the
country; the karst spring "Vrelo”, which is one of the most deepest in Europe (-
190 m). It was subsequently the subject of investigation by Bulgarian, French,
Belgian, Italian and Macedonian cave divers, but its end is not yet reached.On 8 April, a mountain hut near Belitsa
vill. becomes gathering place of the cavers from the Balkan countries. Besides
representatives of the organizers in the face of the caving clubs “Ursus speleos
", "Peoni "," Vrelo " from Skopje and Zlatovrav" - Prilep, the hut gathered
there 5 cavers from Bulgaria (the clubs "Academic" and "Helictit” from Sofia ),
8 representatives of Romania, by two speleologists from Slovenia and Croatia, 4
Serbian cavers! The meeting was opened by Gordana Janakievski - President of the
Macedonian Federation of Speleology. On behalf of the Bulgarian Federation of
Speleology, Balkan Speleological Union and European Federation of Speleology the
participants were welcomed by Alexey Zhalov. The program continued with a
presentation of the activities of the associations participating in the meeting,
which was interrupted for technical reasons. In the next few hours of break the
participants had the pleasure to visit one of the attractions of the area – the
Peshna Cave
near Lokvitsa vill. It is an active river cave with phenomenal entrance with
dimensions 16.8×52.4 m. The
visit of this cave was also an opportunity for us to see remains of a
fortress. The legend says that this fortress used to be the home of Pesna - a
sister of King Marko (1335- 1395). On the opposite side of the cave there is
another fortress - Devini Kuli, known to have been the home of the second sister
of King Marko - Deva. After the
Cave we visited the karst
plateau above it where was locates Kraptski ponor (sinkhole). It is supposed
that this is a sinking place of Peshnitsa rivers which springs from the
Cave. The distance between
the points of sink and appearance of the water is 10 km with denivelation of
several hundred meters. As a result of the joint Macedonian-French Research the
sinkhole was explored down to 1.5 km with depth ~ 160 m. In the old sinkhole of
the same river, which is located ~ 200 m of the active cave, the explorers also
have entered ~ 1.5 km. According to cavers from the Macedonian club «Peoni", the
distance between the two galleries of the caves is only 5 m. According to
existing data, the development of a large cave system, which is a comprehensive
study on the future.Presentations continued until late evening with the stories, photos and movies
from Macedonian, Slovenian, Croatian and Romanian colleagues. The third day of the meeting was
assigned to the penetrations into some of the most interesting caves in the area
near the village of
Slatina: Slatinski Izvor,
Slatinska Cave
and Puralo. All three caves were with interesting morphology and with beautiful
decoration. In thee evening was held official meeting of the Balkan Speleogical
Union. The secretary of the Union A. Zhalov reported about the activities of the
in the period after the 3rd Balkan Camp in
- the constitution of the three working commissions and election of their
presidents. He presented the newly elected Chairman of the Cave and of karst
protection commission Veselin Drobenov from
Bulgaria. V. Drobenov shared his ideas on the
activities of the commission and its first steps. After the final words of
Gordana Janakievska and A. Zhalov, the participants in the Balkan Meeting
"Jasen'2010" wished each other good-bye to the next events in the Balkan
Speleological Union.The morning of April 11 put a final end
to the first of all 6 Balkan events, which will be held during the year. It is
more than certain that the meeting fulfilled its main task, namely to create
conditions for mutual understanding and establish friendly relations between the
Balkan countries speleologists and to motivate speleologists to participate in
the 5th Balkan and Balkan Camp and cave expedition which will be held here in
2011. The provided accommodation and food and the general overall organization
and conduct of the meeting were perfect. They are the result of the efforts of
members of the Macedonian Federation of Speleology, Club “Ursus speleus” and the
Management of the enterprise "Jasen." Therefore we owe thanks the Macedonian
colleagues for their hospitality and care during our stay in Belitsa and
generally in Macedonia.
Reported by Alexey Zhalov
The photos from the meeting are
available at:!/album.php?aid=2045596&id=1572936474&ref=mf
PUBLISHED: 20.04.2010. 23:24
Protection of
caves in Bulgaria
Dear Colleagues!
Please find below the English version of the Petition which we arrange
and you can find here:
We will be very appreciate of you if sighing the Petition you join to
our efforts for approval of the Draft Low of Caves! Please spread this
info among caving community in your country!
Thank you in advance!
Alexey Zhalov
Vice president of Bulgarian Federation of Speleology
Ladies and Gentlemen,
900 members of the 35 caves club, united by the Bulgarian Federation of
Speleology (BFSp),
insist that
Bulgarian state
must take
expansive measures for the protection of our caves!
Following the 80-year activity of hundreds of
cavers throughout the country were
studied and mapped
around 6 000 caves. Most of them
is with
scientific, cultural, aesthetic and economic importance:
In the Suhi
Pecs (Kozarnika)
(1 600 000 – 1 400 000 )
, Bacho Kiro,
and Temnata Doupka Cave
, and many other caves we have
the oldest traces of human culture in Europe;
- Hundreds of Bulgarian caves were used as
sanctuaries and monasteries with religious purpose;
- Bulgarian caves are inhabited by over 800
unique species of cave animals;
- Bulgarian caves are the habitat
of the largest bat colonies in Europe;
- 40 Bulgarian caves are used for residential and
business water supply;
- In Bulgarian caves were discovered over 50 species of cave minerals;
- Bulgarian caves thousands of unique
concretions (stalagmites, stalactites, etc;
- 9
tourist caves are open for
the public and welcome thousands of tourists;
- 124 caves, karst formations and springs are on
the list of our national geological heritage.
Ensure that existing laws, in most cases, formal and incomplete,
preserving only those karst terrain and objects that are part of
protected areas - national and natural parks, reserves and natural
monuments - or are part of the NATURA 2000 network in Bulgaria.
Under the most serious imminence
are caves that are not protected by existing laws, as are almost all (5
100) of surveyed caves in Bulgaria so far.
They are subject to destructive and unpunished human activities -
changes in their physical integrity - their distortion of the wrap,
destruction of cave formations, cave fauna destruction, illegal business
career, treasure and many others.
In 2004, in accordance with EU Directive 92/43,
the Agreement on the Protection of European Bats (EUROBATS), in which
Bulgaria is a party and 26/93 on the recommendation of the Commission,
the Ministry of Environment and Water commission of the Bulgarian team
Federation of Speleology to develop a draft Law on the caves.
The purpose of the bill was to put
the protection of caves in Bulgaria before any other interests.
He was adopted by the Council of Ministers and deposited in the 39th
National Assembly. After never reached the Chamber, the law was
submitted for consideration by the 40 th National Assembly and was
passed on first reading by the Commission on the Environment and Water.
Time for second reading of the draft by the committee and not come back
do not get to discuss it in plenary.
What are the consequences?
Continue with even more appalling destructive power in the Bulgarian
- Their outstanding property raises serious
problems with their conservation and environmentally-use;
- Constantly increasing number of illegal
dumpsites in caves;
- Many caves have been destroyed or threatened by
destruction of the career activities;
- Impunity to pollute springs and
karst cave rivers with unpredictable consequences for population health
using these water sources;
- Increased illegal trade in caves;
- Unscrupulous treasure hunters destroy priceless
hand continuous layers of human history and civilization;
- Irregular tour operation destroys the natural
integrity of the caves and adversely affect the habitats of rare and
endangered animal species - bats, birds, underground invertebrate fauna.
Exposing all these problems, and in
this and our concerns, we believe that effective protection of the
Bulgarian caves can be decided only by the adoption by the National
Assembly Act caves!
We hope that the Bulgarian National Assembly will not allow our caves,
which are an integral part of Bulgarian natural and universal, cultural
and historical heritage to be lost for future generations.
For this we turn to Ms. Tsetska Tsacheva -
Chairman of the National Assembly and to all Bulgarian MPs and to Mr.
Boyko Borisov - Prime Minister of Bulgaria Rebublika take to heart the
fate of the Bulgarian caves and to arrange for the introduction and
adoption of Law of the caves!
In the text of the bill can be found at today's National Assembly or the
Let us with intelligence, and joint efforts will
preserve 6-thousand Bulgarian caves!
Link to the petition:
The International Conference
"Speleology and Spelestology: Development and Interaction of
Sciences", Russia, November 16-20. 2010.

The International Conference "Speleology and Spelestology:
Development and Interaction of Sciences" will be held in
Naberezhnye Chelny, Tatarstan, Russia in November 16-20. 2010.
The conference is being organized by International Conference
"Speleology and Spelestology: Development and Interaction of
Sciences", Naberezhnye Chelny, Russia by the Institute of
Georgaphy, Russian Academy of Sciences, Russian Geographic
Society, Ukrainian Institute of Speleology and Karstology,
Russian Society of Spelestological Researches, Naberezhnye
Chelny Pedagogical Institute, under the patronage of the UIS
Commission on Karst Hydrogeology and Speleogenesis.
After scientific sessions, two days excursion will be organized.
The participants will visit the capital – Kazan and
speleological and spelestological objects of Tatarstan:
Sarmanovsky and Aktashsky copper mines (XVIII cent.); gypsum
caves; Kamsko-Ustyinsky gypsum mine – one of the largest in
The topics of the Conference are:
1. Section of Speleology:
-Modern methods of studies using GIS;
-Problems of Speleogenesis;
-Results of regional speleological researches;
-Caves in mine workings;
-Historical, archeological and paleozoological studies of caves;
-Mineralogy of caves;
-Ice caves.
2 Section of Spelestology (artificial caves)
-Methods of studies and inventorying of caves;
-Regional spelestological studies;
-Secondary mineral formation;
-Geoecologic research aspects;
-natural and antropogenic factors of the formation of
underground landscapes.
3 Section of protection and use of the caves
-Cave ecology;
-Legal questions and practice of protection of the caves;
-Recreational e activities and safety.
Deadline for submissions: June 1st 2010.
For correspondence and submissions, please use the following
Gunko Alexey (the executive secretary):
Dolotov Yurii:
More details in the 1st Circular:
Official page (with online pre-registration options):
National Congress of Speleology,
the XXXVIII –th edition

Speodava Caving Club ( is organizing the
National Congress of Speleology, XXXVIII-th edition during 9-12
September 2010 in Stei, Bihor county.
The organization is under the auspices of the Romanian Caving
Federation (FRS). Also our partners : “National Avram Iancu”
College Stei, Natural Park Apuseni, Stei City Hall, support from
the Mountain Rescue Association Bihor, Romania Caving Rescue
Service ( CORSA ), Caving club Crysis Oradea, Caving club “Z”
Astileu, and Cristal Caving club Oradea. In 1972 the romanian
cavers have reunited for the first time during a manifestation
called “Speosport”. Since then, this event has repeated its self
until 2000 when it became The National Congress of Speleology.
The National Congress of Speleology is the annual reunion of the
romanian cavers lead by The Romanian Caving Federation. The
event marks a year of work balance is equally a forum for
expression and debate on all matters related to caving,
carstologie or related to them.
Some information:
- Updated information will be found on and/or on . Everything we know and plan
will be posted on the site immediately. If some information is
not on the site, it means we don’t have information about a
certain thing or some things are yet to be scheduled. If you
need more details contact the organizers at
General Information
The National Congress of Speleology, XXXVIII –th edition will
take place in the city Stei , National College “Avram Iancu”
Stei, Apuseni Natural Park. The College offers to its organizers,
a conference hall, gym, rooms for meeting in groups in boarding
accommodation, hotel, playground, cafeteria for serving meals.
Stei city ( / ) is
located in Beius Depression, on the bank of Crisul Negru ( Black
River), the southern foot of Bihor Mountains and the northern
foot of Codru Moma Mountains.
Program :
04 - 08 September – Pre-Congress trips 09 - 12 September –
Congress Manifestations Detailed program will be sent on to you
in the next emails.
Congress Fee – 40 lei (10 euro). The registration fee includes
access to all sections of the Congress, festive meal, map and
participation badge, accommodation in tents, 5% discount on
shopping or service from our sponsors.
We provide the following discounts for advance fee payment :
- Until 30 May = 50%
- Until 30 June = 30%
- Until 30 July = 10%
Statuti međunarodnih speleoloških
Na Hrvatskom speleološkom poslužitelju dostupni su statuti
međunarodnih speleoloških organizacija s kojima surađuju
hrvatski speleolozi:
Statut UIS (Međunarodna speleološka unija)
Statut FSE.
FSE regulations. (Europska speleološka federacija)
Statut BSU. (Balkanska speleološka unija)
PUBLISHED: 25.02.2010.
međunarodna škola krša "Klasični

18. međunarodna krasoslovna škola
"Klasični krš" održat će se od 14. do 19. lipnja 2010. u Postojni, a
biti će posvećena Dinarskome kršu. To je prostrano, 800 km dugo i do 150
km široko krško područje, koje zauzima veći dio Dinarskih gora te
zapadni dio Slovenije. Karakteristike dinarskog krša su velike cjelovite
površine, izuzetna raznolikost reljefnih oblika, izuzetne špilje, velike
rijeke ponornice i krški izvori. Zbog izrazite specifičnosti oblika i
pojava na ovom se prostoru vrlo rano počelo sa znanstvenim
istraživanjima i prvim opisima krša. U 19. stoljeću je iz imena
pokrajine Kras nastao termin karst, a lokalni nazivi reljefnih oblika,
dolina polje, uvala, i ponor postali su stručni termini. Na ovom su
prostoru otkrivene i opisane prve jamske životinje.
Unatoč otkriće mnogobrojnih novih krških područja u drugačijim geološkim
ili klimatskim uvjetima, dinarski krš ostaje još uvjek svjetski važno
krško područje. Dinarski krš je locus typicus za mnogobrojne oblike i
pojave, mjesto intenzivnog istraživanja, kao i mjesto susretanja
kršoslovaca čitavog svijeta.
Namjera susreta je prikazati karakteristike dinarskog krša i omogućiti
mlađim generacijama kršoslovaca usporedbu ovoga krša sa drugima krškim
Raspravljat ćemo o karakterističnim obilježjima ovoga krša, o povijesti
istraživanja, o mišljenjima i idejama i to usporediti sa drugim krškim
područjima od tropskih do polarnih krajeva. Posjetit ćemo
karakteristične reljefne oblike i najznačajnije špilje.
U školu pozivamo sve kršoslovce, stručnjake, mlade znanstvenike,
studente, projektante života na kršu te sve ostale koje krš privlači.
Rad škole održat će se po sljedećem programu:
uvodna predavanja,
gostujuća predavanja,
krška tematska predavanja,
predstava plakata i
ekskurzije i terenski rad.
Uvodna predavanja će obuhvatiti sljedeće teme Dinarskog krša:
geomorfologija dinarskog krša,
geologija dinarskog krša,
hidrologija dinarskog krša,
biospeleologija dinarskog krša i
speleologija dinarskog krša.
Prijave i informacije:
17.02.2010. 21:26

Dear cavers,
We, Macedonian Speleological Federation and Balkan Speleological Union,
would like to invite you to take part in the meeting of the Balkan
speleological federations. The meeting will be held in Republic of
Macedonia, in the municipality of Makedonski Brod, village Belica. Date
of the meeting is from the 8th of April till the 11th. The agenda
for the meeting will be attached to the invitation letter. Please
prepare short presentations about the activities in 2009 in your
federations and if you are able to present us the law regulations about
cave protection and cave management in your countries.
Food and accommodation for 2 representatives of each federation and BSU
representatives, will be covered by our side. For other participants
food and accommodation will be paid by themselves.
Please send us the registration list for participants coming to this
meeting no late then April 01st 2010.
Information about this meeting will be placed on these web pages after
February 10th 2010:
If you like to see more about the region where the
meeting will take place go to
With CAR:
As shown on the map, you need to come to the municipality of
Makedonski Brod where information board will be put showing the road to
Belica. For more info contact us. (Contact details on the last page)
With BUS:
In the Skopje Bus Station there is a mini bus going to village Samokov
everyday at 16:00h. The ticket price is about 7 euros in one way. If you
planning to come with bus lets us know, so that a car is waiting to
bring you to
You will arrive at the Airport “Alexander the Great”, which is near
Then you follow the same route as with the Bus. Let us know if you are
to come with plane so we can arrange your coming to Belica.
If you are planning to stay in tents, in the yard of the mounting hut
you can place yourself free of charge.
Mounting hut Belica:
For 2 representatives of each federation food and accommodation will be
at our cost. You will stay in the mounting hut Belica.
If there are more free places also other participants can stay there on
If you are interested in staying in hotel check these web pages:
The hotels are nearby the place where the meeting will be held.
Bojan Petkovski (English and Bulgarian) ++38970254180
Ali Samet (English and Bulgarian) ++38971223894
Please send your registration form to
Further information and registration info can be found on these web
Alexey Zhalov c/o Balkan Speleological Union!
Dear Speleo Friends!
I would like inform you in advance that the Pre - Balkan Camp organised
by Macedonian Federation of Speleology in Jasen Mt. will take place from
11 th April 2010!!! The Camp will be organised close to Belica vill ,
Makedonski Brod Municipality. The presentations of the national
activities during the past 2009 year are forseen! The hosta are also
interested abount the national regulation (legislation) for the cave
protection of each Balkan counntry! The preliminary program forceen
fairwell party with the Ambasadors of peresented countries in Skopie!
The official application of the camp will be available on the web pages
of BSU and
Please put this data in your memorisers!
I hope to see delegates of each Balkan country in Macedonia!
Best regards
Yours friendly
Alexey Zhalov
Secretary General of BSU
15.02.2010. 16:03
BSU events 2010-2011
Event Name, Period Place
Country Organizers - contact
Preparation of V Balkan Cavers Camp Pre Balkan Camp
2011 Meeting, Jasen Mt. FYR Macedonia SFM
Balkan Cave Research expedition “Mizhishnica-2010” ,
2 to 8 May, Vratza Mt. Bulgaria BFS
Balkan Cavers Camp IV Balkan Cvers Camp, 15 – 18 July
2010, Padis Bihor Mt. Natural Park Apuseni Romania FRS
Balkan speleo rescue, Cave rescue traning, July 2010,
Natural Park Jasen , Kula, FYR Macedonia SFM
NP Jasen
Macedonian Red Cross
Slovenian speleo rescue service
Balkan Cavers Training Camp
Technical Speological School
23 July – 01 August 2010, Caput Bihor Mt. Natural Paak Apuseni
Romania FRS
Balkan Cave Rescue Regional Cave Resque School
1-10 October 2010, Rosia Muntii Padurea Craiului Romania FRS
Balkan Conférence of Speleology Scientific
Communication Sesssion "Sciences in labyrinth"
to be establish, Romania FRS
Alexey Zhalov
Secretary General BSU
15.02.2010. 15:47

Dear Caving Friends, Chers Amis Spéléo,
As you might know the presence of the White Nose Syndrome fungus (WNS),
that have already killed more than one million bats in the USA (cf. ), has been detected in Europe (Dordogne,
France). All the details about this presence has been stated in the
article of Sebastien Puechmaille from the University College Dublin -
Ireland :
For the moment no fact has established that European
bats would risk the same situation as in the USA - the researches are
still going on - , but of course the principle of prevention has to
apply. In the European speleological community, Italy seems to be the
most advanced at this level since the SSI has sensitized its cavers of
the risk and has already established preventive measures for the cavers
in Italy not to be a factor of spreading the WNS outside of the caves
they explore. The SSI document is available on :
- English version :
- Italian version :
Face to this situation, the FSE is creating a "European
WNS work-group", coordinated in a first period by Ioana Meleg, ECPC
president, who will have the following objectives :
- Gathering all the available information on WNS in Europe
- Establishing what could be the proposals of European preventive
measures according to each phase of the situation (present, pre-epidemic,
epidemic, etc).
- Making proposals to the European speleological community and collect
the expressed remarks
- Making the link with the situation in each country
- etc
Sebastien Puechmaille has informed us about his agreement to be part of
this workgroup.
If you have information about WNS in your country or in other areas, or
if you are interested to participate to the work of this European
work-group, please send an email to :
Of course we invite every motivated person to participate, it would be
important to have at least 1 or 2 persons per European country.
Looking forward to reading you soon,
Best wishes,
for the/pour le Bureau,
Olivier Vidal
Secr. General FSE
European Speleological Federation
+33 6 81 61 16 70
Email :
Web :
Forums :
15.02.2010. 15:47
Spele-O-Feminin 2010

Dear All,
The FSE and the UIS Techning department have the pleasure to officially
invite you to participate to "Spele-O-Feminin" International Gathering
from the 3rd to the 5th of April 2010 in Ardeche - France. It's the
first time that a speleological international event will gather so many
female cavers from all over Europe and elsewhere. Men are also welcome.
SpeleO féminin is an FSE EuroSpeleo Project FSE and is organised by the
Rhone-Alpes Speleological FFS Committee in partnership with the Teaching
department of the UIS, and also different sponsors and institutions.
The idea has arisen from the discovery that, in different places in
Europe, women organize camps to practice speleology together. We have
therefore concluded that an international gathering of female
speleologists could bring us a lot, on a human level and to share about
our practices. This event will take place early April during Easter
celebrations, in Ardèche, close by the Nature Reserve of Ardèche Gorges,
globally known for its caves and prehistoric sites, between Lyon and
Marseille. It will comprise cave visit and exploration, conferences,
round tables, Gala night, movies projection and photos showing.
The practical details and the programme are on :
And all the information is available at :,english,559915.html
The modest financial help sought by the organizing
team to several speleological structures is intended to make easier the
venue and stay of attendees and more particularly those coming from far
(Central Europe, etc) for which an allowance is provided for transport
and accommodation.
Looking forward to seeing you soon at Spele-O-Feminin,
Best speleological regards,
The Organisation Committee
Contact :,english,559915.html
Marcel Meyssonnier
President of UIS Teaching Commission
Olivier Vidal
Secr. General FSE
+33 6 81 61 16 70
Email :
Web :
Forums :
15.02.2010. 15:30

broadcast this message to all your speleological networks /
Merci de faire suivre ce message à tous vos réseaux spéléo.
Dear Caving Friends / Chers Amis Spéléos,
It's with
a great pleasure that you and your club are invited to the 5th
EuroSpeleo Forum "SpeleoHungary 100" organised by the Hungarian
Speleological Society (MKBT) under the patronnage of the European
Speleological Federation (FSE) that will be held on the 7-9 May 2010 in
The new bilingual website of the event is available on :
explains all the programme and detail all the tours that are included in
the entrance fee of 30 euros.
To get this fee you need to register online as soon as possible starting
on the 20th of February.
The huge European Speleological event will be THE event 2010 where all
the European cavers will meet each other around many speleological
activities :
Conferences, Movies, Free Cave Tours, Cave diving, Parties, SpeleoBar
and much more !
If you have any question, please let us know at :
See you
in Budapest at the 5th EuroSpeleo Forum,
Best speleological regards,
Szabolcs Leél-Őssy
Chairman of the Organizing Committee
General FSE
+33 6 81
61 16 70
Email :
Web :
Forums :
15.02.2010. 15:24
5th edition of the EuroSpeleo Forum

Dear Caving Friends, Chers Amis Spéléos,
This is with a great pleasure that the FSE announces you that the 5th
edition of the EuroSpeleo Forum will be held during the "SpeleoHungary
100" event, 100th anniversary of the Hungarian Society, from the 7th to
the 9th of May 2010 in Budapest - Hungary.
Everything has been made to welcome every European caver to gather there
in order to meet and exchange. On site, there are plenty of
possibilities of caving during and after the congress.
If you want to present a conference you can send it to :
as soon as possible before the 31st of December 2009.
Organisers have also prepared an "Hungarian SpeleoBar" that will be the
main gathering point on the evenings.
Basic registrations are at 30 euros and full registrations including the
different meals and all the proceedings are at 65 euros up to 31st of
December 2009. Register soon !
All the information is on
The 2010 FSE General Assembly meeting will be held on the Saturday
afternoon 8th of May 2010 on the congres site.
Should you have any further question please let us know,
Looking forward to seeing you there,
Best speleological regards,
for the/pour le Bureau,
Olivier Vidal
Secr. General FSE
+33 6 81 61 16 70
Email :
Web :
Forums :
15.02.2010. 15:21

The biennial International Conference on Subterranean
Biology (ICSB) is the premier forum for the presentation and discussion
of advances in theoretical and applied subterranean biology.
Subterranean biology, also referred to as biospeleology or speleobiology,
is an integrative field of biology dealing with all aspects of life in
subterranean environments like caves, subterranean fissure systems, or
Biennial international conferences (used to be called symposia) on
subterranean biology are an initiative of the International Society for
Subterranean Biology (ISSB), organized by appointed national members.
Postojna, Slovenia, is one of the world centers for cave and karst
research, and historically known as the cradle of speleobiology. The
first subterranean life – apart from mythical creatures – was discovered
and described from the famous Postojna Cave.
Karst, or Kras, is a region in the vicinity of Postojna. The
international term karst, used to denote a landscape type rich in caves
and other geomorphological phenomena in carbonate rock, originates from
Organized under the auspices of the International Society for
Subterranean Biology by:
Biotehniška fakulteta – Univerza v Ljubljani
Inštitut za raziskovanje krasa ZRC SAZU
Notranjski muzej Postojna
19.11.2009. 12:41
Dear Caving Friends, Chers Amis Spéléo,
Thanks to our official partnership with the European caving rope
manufacturer, BEAL, the European Speleological Federation (FSE) is able
to present you the preview of the new caving rope technology that Beal
has invented and that they will officialise on next week. It is a
complex polymerization process called UNICORE that enables to bind the
sheath of the speleo-rope to the core, while all the other qualities of
the rope are kept and even reinforced. This specific process that Beal
have patented enables us to have an 8.5mm rope that has all the
qualities of the Spelenium 9mm rope with which we are used to. Like
this, we gain in weight and in resistance of the sheath of the rope. For
those who need type A ropes, the Beal Unicore Spelenium rope exists also
in diameters 10.5 and 11mm.
You can access to
the bilingual press release specially in preview on the FSE website (pdf
file of 300 ko) :
And the videos in 5 languages of the comparative tests
between Unicore and classic rope technologies are accessible on :
Should you have technical questions or suggestions
about the Unicore tecnology, please send them to
and you will receive an answer from BEAL.
Best wishes for your explorations,
European Speleological Federation
Fédération Spéléologique Européenne
Email :
Web FSE :
Forums :
01.10.2010. 22:15

Ekspedicija Ukr.S.A. održana u kolovozu i rujnu 2009.
produbila je granu jame Krubera (Voronja) nazvanu Nekujbyshevskaya na
-1554 m. U ovoj ekspediciji sudjelovala su 52 speleologa iz Ukraine,
Rusije, Moldavije i Izraela. Drugi tim od 20 speleologa iz Litve,
Mađarske, Španjolske, Irske i UK također je radio u jami Krubera. Grana
Nekujbyshevskaya počinje na -250 m i pruža se u smjeru SZ suprotno od
smjera glavne grane. Na oko -750 m skreće na JI u pravcu dubljeg dijela
glavne grane. U ovogodišnjem istraživanju zaobiđen je sifon na -1384 m
te je istraženo 170 m dubine i 1251 m duljine. Duljina jame sada je 15
486 m. Dubina jame Krubera, najdublje jame na svijetu ostaje -2191 m.
Ova dubina postignuta je ronjenjem na dubinu 46 m u završnom sifonu
glavne grane tijekom ekspedicije Ukr.S.A. 2007. godine.
3D model jame Krubera.
01.10.2010. 22:15 |