Darko Bakšić
Speleoklub Univerziteta Komenskog (SUK),
Bratislava, Slovačka:
Zoltan Agh, Stano Gajdošik, Marcel Griflik, Erik Kapucian, Jaro
Meluš, Branislav Šmida, Jan Vykupil
Speleološki odsjek Planinarskog društva Sveučilišta Velebit
(SOV), Zagreb:
Neven Andrijašević, Darko Bakšić, Teo Barišić, Tanja Bizjak, Sanja
Ćirić, Iva Dobrović, Robert Erhardt, Sunčica Hrašćanec, Lovro Hrust,
Čedo Josipović, Neven Kalac, Dubravko Kavčić, Damir Lacković, Pavle
Mintas, Ivica Radić, Siniša Rešetar, Zoran Stipetić, Ana Sutlović,
Darko Troha, Vida Ungar, Vedran Vračar, Boris Vrbek, Ivančica Zovko
Speleološki odsjek Hrvatskog planinarskog društva Željezničar
(SOŽ), Zagreb:
Nela Bosner, Tina Bosner, Vlado Božić, Robert Dado, Svjetlan Hudec,
Branko Jalžić, Željko Jelenić, Mladen Kuhta, Gianfranco Labignan,
Vladimir Lindić, Damir Lovretić, Želimir Ludvig, Bojana Markotić,
Gordana Petrovčić, Milivoj Uroić,
Speleološka sekcija Hrvatskog geografskog društva (SSHGD),
Anđelko Novosel
Speleološka sekcija Društva za istraživanje krških fenomena
(DISKF), Zagreb:
Zoran Gregurić, Krunoslav Hornug, Jasna Zmaić
Speleološki odsjek Hrvatskog planinarskog društva Dubovac (SOD),
Neven Bočić, Igor Jelinić, Branko Šavor
Speleološki odsjek Hrvatskog planinarskog društva Japetić (SOJ),
Tomica Rubinić
Speleološki odsjek Hrvatskog planinarskog društva Mosor (SOM),
Stipe Božić (AOM), Raul Brzić, Ivan Marinov, Zvončica Mimica, Ivica
Mulić, Danica Ozretić, Silvio Smerdel, Emir Štrkljević
Club Alpino Italia, Rim, Italija:
Hrvoje Korais
Speleološki odsjek Hrvatskog planinarskog društva Dubrovnik
(SODU), Dubrovnik:
Ivan Kvestić
Speleološki odsjek planinarskog društva Kamenar
Ešref Bajrić, Srećko Meić
expedition Lomska duliba 1993.
Lomska duliba 1993
From 19th July till
15th August 1993, The Speleological Committee of the Croatian Mountaineering
Association (KSHPS), organised caving camp in Lomska
duliba at Northern Velebit. The camp was separated
in two parts. In the first, from 19th till 31st July the leader was Anđelko
Novosel (SS HGD). The cave was rigged till -170 m when, due to inexperience
with icy caves, descending is stopped till arrival of other explorers. From
1st till 13th August the leader was Branko Jalžić (SOŽ),
while on 14th and.15th August Damir Lacković (SOV). Under
their leadership exploration of the cave, still called Manual, were restarted.
When the Croatian
depth record was achieved (till then it was pothole Stara škola on Biokovo,
deep -576 m), on proposal of Damir Lacković pothole was renamed "Lukina jama"
after caver u Ozren Lukić - Luka, killed in war at the southern Velebit a year
Feeling of exploration
euphoria dominated the camp. Teams entered the cave one after another, depth
increased daily. Practically every team ran out of rope. After a week of descending
into depth, group of there: Damir Lacković (SOV), Siniša
Rešetar (SOV) and Robert Dado (SOŽ)
on the date 7th August 1993 about 9.45 p.m., reached the bottom at the depth
of - 1355 m. Seven days was needed for cave to be rigged till bottom including
setting up of two bivaques (from 31st July till 7th August 1993), while derigging
and transportation out of cave took four days (from 10th till 14th August 1993).

Team of explorers of
Lukina jama 1993.
By Damir Lacković, Saturday, 7th August
We took ropes
for further descending, but left 100 metres at the beginning of long pitch,
beyond a crawl. Penetrating deeper, at 7.30 p.m. we run out of rope at the beginning
of another long pitch. Siniša climbed back to pick up rope left ahead, and was
back by 8.30. p.m. We have used the rope on the pitch, to conclude it is the
last, at 9.45 p.m., all three of us, descended to the bottom, Damir first, than
Siniša and finally Šišmiš.
Speleological expedition Lukina jama 1994.
Since the end of
1993., or better to say, straight after the end of camp Lomska duliba 93, Speleological
commission started to prepare a new expedition in Lukina jama. Several actions
forerun the expedition. The first exploration, on a weekend 4-6th March 1994,
was the combination of ski tour, speleology and mountaineering; its aim was
to find a new entrance to the cave. Ranko Žnidarić, a member of alpine section
of "Željezničar" and Damir Lacković (SOV),
escorted by Dubravko Kavčić (SOV) climbed extremely difficult
route in subterranean ice of Lukina jama. At the depth of 65 m they climbed
icy waterfall 27 m high with the average incline of 70-90%. Unfortunately, they
have not found new entrance that could increase the depth of the cave.

At the depth of
65 m D.Lacković and
B.Žnidarić climbed
icy waterfall 27 m high. Photo:
During the weekend
of 1st-4th July rigging was done till -637 m by cavers from Zagreb: Svjetlan
Hudec, Bojana Markotić and Gordana Petrovčić from Željezničar
and Damir Lacković, Darko Bakšić and Ana Bakšić (Sutlović) from Velebit.
On 16th and 17th
July Darko Troha, Vedran Vračar and Ivica Radić, members of SOV
continued to rig the cave till the depth of -743 m, the place of 1st bivouac.
Slovakian cavers
explored Trojama (Manual II) pothole in the period from 23rd till 28th July
till the connection with Lukina jama at depth of -558 m, so the depth of the
cave system Lukina jama - Trojama increased till -1386 m.
By Branislav Šmida
In early night
hours at 28th July 1994., when three tired Slovak cave explorers Z. Agh, M.
Griflik and D. Kotlarčik returned to the camp in Lomska duliba we have found
out that the depth of system Lukina jama increased. It was surprise
when, after a hundred meters deep pitch, Zolo reached the ledge and Croatian
rope on it! He started to scream: "SUK (pothole Ledena jama in Lomska duliba),
we connected to SUK!" Marcel, still, far above him did not understand what he
is talking about. Only later, guys realised that Lukina jama is deeper. In this
moments they got an idea to call this pothole, as a higher entrance of Lukina
jama, symbolically Manual II.
In period from 30th
July till 13th August expedition Lukina jama 94 was realised, under leadership
of Branko Jalžić.
On this expedition
cavers from all parts of Croatia were included: members of Speleological Section
of Zagreb University Mountaineering Society "Velebit" (SOV),
Speleological Section of Mountaineering Society "Željezničar" (SOŽ),
Speleological Section of Croatian Geographic society (SSHGD),
Society for exploring karst phenomena (DISKF)
from Zagreb, Speleological Section of Mountaineering Society "Dubovac" (SOD)
from Karlovac, Speleological Section of Mountaineering Society "Japetić" (SOJ)
from Samobor, Speleological Section of Mountaineering Society "Mosor" (SOM)
and Speleological society "Špiljar" (SDŠ) from Split. From Slovakia members
of University Komenski Speleoclub (SUK) from Bratislava.

Team of explorers of
Lukina jama 1994.
Two teams were formed
to rig the cave till the bottom. In the first one were: Darko Troha, Dubravko
Kavčić and Sunčica Hrašćanec, and in second Damir Lacković, Darko Bakšić and
Ana Bakšić (Sutlović). After the second group rigged the pit till the bottom, Damir Lacković
dived in siphon-lake on breath and finds out that scuba diving is possible.
Transportation of gear has been done by Tanja Bizjak, Ivica Radić, Lovro Hrust,
Svjetlan Hudec, Brano Šmida, Erik Kapucijan, Zoltan Agh, Marcel Griflik, Jano
Vykoupil, Branko Jalžić, Vladimir Lindić and Vedran Vračar. Members of the transportation
team brought the news about possibility of scuba diving, so divers Teo Barišić
and Zoran entered the. Igor Jelinić and Neven Bočić repaired anchors below the
Whiskey chamber. To enable easier and faster communication Branko Šavor and
Ivica Mulić spread telephone cable from the surface till 2nd bivouac.
Diving in the siphons
at the bottom of "Lukina jama"
Standard diving equipment
has been used, but divers had limited air supply (5 litre cylinders). Dived-through
siphon has length of 57 m and counts as one of the longest in Croatia. After
it follows a similar siphon, so the diving will continue. For next attempt dry
diving suits are required because of very low temperature, regulators for diving
in cold water conditions and heavier diving cylinders that should be left at
the bottom. Cave diving at the depth of 1349 m (counting from the lower entrance)
represents a kind of world record accomplished by Zoran
Stipetić; and Teo Bariić.The diving was planned to continue in 1996,
but was postponed by the accidental death of Zoran
Well known Croatian
mountaineer Stipe Božić joined the expedition to shoot a documentary film. He
was helped, by Ivan Marinov and Vedran Vračar who transpotred equipment for

Siphon at the bottom of Lukina jama. D.Bakšić
Results of expedition:
Team Damir Lacković,
Ana Bakšić (Sutlović) and Darko Bakšić explored side passages on the bottom, and on that
occasion, on 3rd August 1994, Ana Bakšić (Sutlović) discovered a new animal species -an
endemic leech. Cave divers Zoran Stipetić and Teo Barišić dived in the siphon-lake
at the bottom of the cave for 57 m in length and 6 m in depth. By diving a siphon
on this depth a new World record is set and system Lukina jama reached depth
of -1392 m. Damir Lacković, Sunčica Hrašćanec and Darko Bakšić explored "Vjetroviti
kanal" (Windy passage) which entrance is on -1102 m, and the bottom on -1311
m depth. Biological, geological and pedological samples were collected, and
the measurements of air and water temperatures were done. Stipe Božić, cameraman
and director of film about Lukina jama, beside his numerous mountaineering ascents
on the highest peaks of World added a valuable speleological result. Than the
cave system Lukina jama - Trojama was on 9th place among the deepest caves of
the world.
expedition Lukina jama 1995.
Same as previous
years, several rigging actions forerun the expedition. Timing of expedition
is changed to 2 weeks earlier due to speleo-mountaineering expedition "Andes
95", so it lasted from 8th till 22nd July 1995. Traditionally, the leader was
Branko Jalžić. Too early period
of expedition was probable source of many difficulties. In fore - actions during
June bigger quantity of ice is observed, some of earlier used bolts could not
be used. After the 2nd day of expedition an avalanche of ice and snow covered
rope at the depth of -140 m, where new rope had to be rigged, and at the depth
of -550 m it had to be dig out. Telephone cable, used a year before, was broken
too, so it needed repairing. During repairing phone cable one caver got cramps
in hands due to long hours in the harness and on rope. He was pulled out the
cave by windlass. This difficulties slowed down descending into the cave, so
this year only two cavers reached the bottom: Damir Lacković and Robert Erhardt.
During the short time at the bottom they have collected two specimen of endemic